Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.
-Theodore Roosevelt

I do care, greatly.
From a young age, I learned illness, suicide, and death, as well as grieving and healing, are part of life.
Experience is a demanding teacher.
My experiences have fueled my devotion to learning, living, and teaching hands-on, hearts-engaged compassionate presence and care.
I offer you over 40 years of professional training and experience as a teacher and healing arts practitioner, along with the compassion born from my roles as a family caregiver and hospice volunteer.
Whether caring for a person, pet, plant, or place,
the alchemy of caring mysteriously
imbues the mundane with meaning,
transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary.
the alchemy of caring mysteriously
imbues the mundane with meaning,
transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary.